Once you qualify for a payout, in your dashboard (hub.traderscale.com) go to you 'Accounts Overview' and click on 'Go to Metrics' of said trading account. You will be able to 'Request Payout' there. Please note: the 'Request Payout' button will only become visible when you meet all of the requirements.
Withdrawals: Only possible on funded accounts with profit share over $250 (30 days after your first trade with no open positions), with 10 minimum trading days, and successfully adhering to the consistency rule. Profit split (80%/20%) is automatic unless you opt in for 90%/10%.
Subsequent withdrawals: Every 14 days after that.
You will need to create an account on https://www.riseworks.io/. Please try to use the email associated with your TraderScale account if possible. You can then update your payment information on Rise Works platform. This will speed up the withdrawal process.
USDT ERC20 is also a payout method available.
Please note: Your Maximum Drawdown Level is trailing, meaning it never goes back down. This means when you request a withdrawal, your new balance will be closer to your drawdown breach level. Please ensure you leave enough in your account that you are comfortable allowing for your maximum drawdown amount.
Example: On a $100,000 account, if you have made 4% profit ($6000), your new maximum drawdown level will be $98,000. If you then withdraw your full profit, you will only be left with 2% drawdown allowance. We suggest keeping your drawdown level at 3%, as this is also the daily drawdown allowance. You can read more about our maximum drawdown level here.
Once you request a payout, our compliance department will review your account and notify you of your approval, adjustment or rejection within 48 business hours and payout within 72 business hours (as long as it complies with all the company's rules)
Please note: For your first withdrawal, you are required to go through the KYC process and sign the contract. The request payout button will not be active until you do so.
If your payout request is rejected, you will have to wait 7 days to be able to request payout again.